so, He's got me learning trust. the weight of it. the process of it. the keys to it and the beauty in it.
i stink at it. no, i'm brutal at it. my heart wants to see the clarity of the whole picture but the Father loves the thought of bringing me along piece by piece. i want the full ansel adams landscape when all i'm getting is the rain and blurry backdrop. i must learn to be cool with that. and not just cool with that...i'm called to find sheer joy in it. that's a whole different heartbeat and that's how He wants it right now. i liken it to a story. i love telling stories. it's how i like to preach or talk or live, really. storytelling is an absolute art. it's a craft i have yet to master. but there is One who has, and He simply wants me to get so caught up in the story He's writing that worry ceases and the beauty of it begins and envelops. this can only happen if I trust the Author of the story. sometimes, we can't see the whole picture and the Great Storyteller is okay with that. Wait, not just okay, He's excited about it. Why? Because at the appointed time, he loves to reveal more of the story. moment of trust by moment of trust. eldredge says He loves to come through. he's right. He's building us. into something that we often don't believe we could ever be. but we must trust, even though we are concerned, confused, and often paralyzed because we don't know the ending. trust the story. and more than that, trust the Storyteller.
that's where i'm at. and where i'm going. love the story, people. He orders your part.
as far as what's been going on, i went to good ole' midland for a phil wickham show. only it wasn't a show. it was him leading a bunch of people in worship. didn't feel like a show at all. so. much. fun. it was in a really old-school, center-aisle, wooden-rafter filled sanctuary with really cool windows. dig it. it was like a church you'd find in an old Robin Hood movie. God was there and i'd do it all over again. i got a rock chip in my window on the way home that's gonna get fixed tomorrow, but it's all part of the story too right?? and the window people even said they'd come to the office to fix it! nice. and a special thanks to all the really cool peeps who made yesterday such a neat day. you know who you are. i'm so thankful to God for you. a couple of those people beat florida last night...haha. thanks guys. fight dores. is there any vandy cake left?
tonight, our students meet up at 6 and i'm ready. the talk tonight is the gospel according to the berenstain bears. yes, the children's book series. once a semester we try and do this. it reminds me and our students of the simplicity of the gospel. trust me on this one. i'm ready for God to do big stuff. if you read this before 6pm tonight, throw up a prayer for our kiddos. make all of our lives make much more of Him after tonight. may You dwell richly in us.
secret song tonight is heaven song from the new phil wickham album. it was the last song he played that night. just listen. (DAD, go to itunes and then the itunes STORE and search heaven song in the bar at the top right. CLICK BUY. pay the buck. do it dad. trust me. no questions. just trust).
you're hesitating. i know it. just man up and buy it! hahahaha! it's slower one, but play it loud and just try not to smile. not possible.
"if i find within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the probable explanation is that i was made for another world." c.s. lewis
ps. follow crestkids on twitter. there's your shout out JEFF, pam and kara! tweet away y'all.
This is awesome! I'm learning so much about trust too and just being obsessed with who He is and not earthly things! I've been learning that He is trustworthy! Pretty cool! Oh and His soveriegnty and provision over our lives! He is good! Glad He is molding you and teaching you! Trust is the hardest which is kind of sad, why shouldn't we trust in the God of the Universe! And that's why we have a Savior! Haha sorry this is long... Just thought it was neat! See ya Gordo!!
bean. thanks. He is good! and thanks for bringing in your clothes for the africa kiddos. and thanks for bringing the info to tricky ricky!
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