(some shots via iphone)
garrett: today began at the pancake pantry with the wilson's. josh and becca. once a parking spot was finally located and the line was navigated, we chowed. the BEST breakfast. i had pecan pancakes. pigs in a blanket. and french toast. i could barely walk to josh's car to begin the process of finding our car. so good to eat and catch up and help fill out NCAA tournament brackets. then we headed to the VU and the bookstore. and after that to the gulch and then south to franklin. we found a confederate cemetery and walked around the carnton house. the battle of franklin was fought right around this house. we walked around for a while. lots of history. trying to soak it all in. then, we then met beaner and mal for ice cream and to run around downtown franklin. they're pretty great! i officially at 1.08 pounds of trolley car chocolate and island banana with coconut. i feel sick. we just got home and dad and mom have a big dinner ready. yes. and as for a camping update, i heard some man coughing around 4am and i swear he was right outside my tent. i neutralized the threat with my dad's red ryder. over. ptl y'all.
jeff: ahhh... it's good to be home. i always enjoy coming home to see the fam, even if it's only for a few days. i love the smell of the trees and grass. nashville is got all kinds of hip hop. j-bone loves him some nashy. anyway. for those of you who haven't experienced the wide world of twitter, let me just say you are definitely missing out. be sure to check out CRESTkids on twitter. myself, pam, and kara (the southcrest children's ministry dynamic team) publish our thoughts often. and we are brilliant people. you definitely should follow us (on twitter... don't be a creeper and follow us around the hub city. that's just weird). ok, well i don't know what else to say. i got to see vandy's campus today. b-e-a-u-tiful. gotta t-shirt. for those of you counting, i've bought two shirts this trip and spent a total of 16 bucks. i'm what you would call a bargain shopper. i'm also what you would call a handsome thoroughbred or a studly man. ok. gotta go eat some baby carrots. peace.
tiffany: hmm...where do i begin? today has been a FABULOUS day! actually, this whole spring break has been absolutely FABULOUS thus far! but back to today...we started the day with a yummy breakfast at pancake pantry. we met up with josh and becca wilson as well. they are too cute together and i LOVE becca's sweet spirit. it was refreshing! vandy's bookstore was our next stop to pick up some super great tees. then off to downtown franklin. window shopping, pounds of frozen yogurt, and civil war battlefields made up our afternoon in franklin. garrett was kind enough to drive us to an aveda salon so i could pick up some sweet-smelling shampoo and conditioner. if you've never tried aveda's rosemary mint shampoo and conditioner you're missing out. try it and you'll never go back! jeff and i LOVE it! just finished up some of glenn's tasty meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, and bread. kuddos to garrett's dad! now off to rap music and dessert...
shannon: cupcakes. frozen yogurt. mango flavored. french toast. meatloaf. eggs. battle grounds. vanderbilt baseball. granola mix. 2012. cold weather. rap music. tennessee.
attention: i will gladly take that white vandy shirt. please and spanks.
great, i'll take a medium! thanks!
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