garrett warren. glenn warren. graham warren. george william (not pictured...we told him to wait for his own pic because his middle name wasn't warren).
i am the tallest and was voted "most adorable" in high school by my mother. dad is the smartest (see bowtie) and was recently voted "handsomest photog in nashville" by the same publication. popie is both most athletic AND most dangerous. he is the lone gregory to letter in a D1 sport. (although, i did practice with the belmont women's bball team once because they were short on players. i dominated. and by dominated i mean i went 1-2 from the field. the layup was magic though i tell ya). that counts, eh? back to the story. popie's a vanderbilt commodore like dad. check the media guide. he's in there. 1940-41. i looked it up like it was my job. it was. my first job after belmont was at vandy. go dores! and after the war he finished up at georgia tech. and yes, i'm bragging on him. he's a baller. i didn't letter because i didn't want him to feel overshadowed and i'm just a nice kid like that. "wait...he's both most athletic AND dangerous?" you ask. YETH. dangerous. i would give you his cell number so you could ask him why he's dangerous, but he doesn't carry one and plus, that would be inappropriate. but not really. truth is, he doesn't need a phone. he's that dangerous. he just knows. where and when. it's uncanny. who needs a phone when you're fishing anyway?! he carries knives, instead. and no, not the small swiss army kind. a little bit bigger. and without the cute, removable toothpick. like i said, dangerous. sweetie is a lucky woman. and then there's this guy named george william. popie's kid, dad's brother. the great, uncle george. we all miss him. he ripped dad's eyelid off once. it grew back i think. next time i see dad i'll look. cool guy though. he taught me to shoot guns and figure out how to work the dumb clutch on the four-wheeler (i was 10). he showed me how to catch fish and poachers (dirty rascals), trap grizzly bears in the Northern Yukon (not really), grow a solid beard (i can't), drive off-road, and everything that courage is. he fought the good fight and gave me lots of wedgies. deservedly so, i guess. i had a mouth on me. i got it from him! his dogs peed on my Christmas present once. it smelled terrible Christmas morning and we traced it to the truck where his dogs were. ruined the present. but one of my favorite memories ever. we laughed. and laughed. silly tennesseans! well, i could mention other awards and honors that have been bestowed upon us gregory men, but we are a very humble family and we only talk about those things when we're all catching huge trout in the cascades. seriously. just picture the movie "a river runs through it." that's us. only we weren't homeschooled and we smile a lot. oh, and we drink milk and sweet tea and not the other stuff in the movie. and dad is a really nice guy. well, come to think of it, there's a host of differences. crud. we like to fish. common bond found.
found this picture tonight from senior year at the big BU. made me laugh and brought up all these memories. i figured i better write them down. so i am. the pic makes me feel underdressed or something. i miss that t-shirt. the blue collar one. i got that one at duke one summer and i've lost it. this picture just went from fun to frustrating. i lose all my stuff. hrmph. has anybody seen my columbia u longsleeve t-shirt? if you have it, just bring it back, no questions asked. well, there probably will be questions and perhaps a quick punch to the face, but other than that, nothing. and just to be honest, i started the whole bowtie thing at the house, but dad has since taken over. and by taken over, i mean every sunday for the last 4 years. that's 208!, son-4. i shall win. "don't call it a comeback." seriously, bowtie sunday next sunday. pass the word. gies, tyson, and's time to put our big boy britches back on. as bb would say, "do work."
and as i'm writing this, a commercial with dwade and barkley just came on with dwade wearing a bowtie. unbelievable. es a sign.
you are seriously such a dork.
and you are add.
i am add? confused.
you are subtraction?
idk my bff jill.
and what is nbd??
excuse me. A.D.D. (like as in attention deficit disorder) you have A.D.D. gordo.
nbd=no big deal.
catch up on your lingo-geeeeezzz
the gregory men.
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