today es wednesday. lots to do. sitting drinking cinnamon apple chai and putting the final outline for tonight on paper. excited. i'm stoked to see a bunch of our HS kiddos circled up learning the Gospel together this morning at 7am. that's a win. the goal is to take all that they learn this morning and be agents of change in their schools today. it's possible. the Hope is in them. they're carriers of glory. so am i. it's a total change of attitude. gotta remember who i belong to.
tonight's talk series thingy is simple. from worry to worship. sounds simple, but habakkuk's heart goes through a lot to finally come to worship. it takes questions and some struggle to come to his conclusion. oh, and he meets with God and that changes everything. every time. meeting with Him gives us the strength to call Him good in our times of weakness and where faith seems far from us. it can be brutal to say "amen" to all that happens to us and around us. but that's the complete change of attitude and heart that Hab goes through. that i must go through. i'm not there yet. that's honest. i'm learning. one quick note...hab stations himself on the "ramparts" to hear from God. he stands watch. the illustration is that of a lookout awaiting an attacking army. he was alert. ready. i bet the adrenaline was flowing a little bit. the point here is simply that he made EVERY effort to hear from God. not every excuse. he took out distractions. the God of Israel became his first and most beautiful obsession. had to have Him. had to hear Him.
ps. God is sovereign. Nothing happens today by accident; everything happens today by appointment.
-david platt
ps dos. secret song is rescue is coming. from the 3+4=7 record. listen twice. haha. that good. let it sink. click here.. turn off the display and just hear the words. it's truth for us today.
"There's a darkness in my skin
My cover's wearing thin, I believe
I'd love to start again, go back to innocent
And never leave
Don't give up now
A break in the clouds
We could be found
There's nothing wrong with me
It's just that I believe things could get better
And there's nothing wrong with love
I think it's just enough to believe
Rescue is coming
And there's nothing wrong with you
And nothing left to do
But believe something bigger
And there's nothing wrong with love
I know it's just enough to believe"
1 comment:
i like this post a lot.
praying and walking alongside you bro
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