so the neatest thing happened on wed. night. the last three_30 middle school event was underway (6:01 starts wed!) and we were on the very last episode of the gospel journey series. for those of you out of the loop, this is a neat reality series that puts people of 7 or 8 (i can't remember) different faiths in a house in maui for a week and they live and debate who is right. to say the least, it's been an eye opener for me and my kiddos. try it out. and be ready for tough questions!
anywhose, i snagged a seat in the back at the sound table to make sure everything transitioned smoothly and to make sure the sound was right. sitting in the very back offered the neatest perspective. for a couple moments, it was almost as if i couldn't hear the video at all. to give you an idea of the room, we're on the 2nd floor and have no shades on the windows at all to give the room sort of a loft, NYC, downtown feel. i also think it helps them to see part of our city when they're there so they can be reminded of why we meet in the first place. the sun was almost down and the lighting played the neatest effect over the students. from the back of the room, the light settled right over the kids. it completely stole my attention away from the tv's and God reminded me of the beauty of my calling. the fun of my calling. and the absolute importance of my calling. i get to tell kids the gospel. wow. for maybe four or five minutes, i felt Him remind me of how wonderful He really is. and how blessed i am that the gospel was made known to me. when i was their age, there was a guy named brooks who was an intern at my church back home. i never went to anything and pretty much hated everything that had to do with church. really. i remember screaming at my dad for telling me to get up and go. but this college kid would call my house and leave messages inviting me to come everytime. i'll never forget that. i never ever called back. not once. but he kept calling. now that i believe, i'll never forget the way brooks treated me. i owe that to each kid in my room. he modeled the gospel to me...and on wed. night, He gave me the sweetest reminder of the gospel and the privilege it truly is to teach it. i get to teach the gospel. i get to teach the gospel. i get to teach the gospel! i'm joyed at that thought. i love to teach. i adore every part of it. before i go on for hours, i just wanted to share with you guys what happened on wednesday so that maybe it will encourage you to be joyed as well. it's community. i truly believe that Jesus is who He says He is. and that changes me every day.
on sunday we start our brand new sunday morning. rufus will be there. this could be interesting!
ps...today would be a good longboard/rollerblade at mt. lubbock, matthew. just sayin. or we could
go here...
and catch these...
psII...dulin...you are a goofball...i had fun this week.
that kid is too funny! love it! cracked me up
great story bro. can't wait to see you soon! thanksgiving in the carolinas...... can we say seafood!!!! love you.
gee whizz, g. i was having a good day, TIL, i read this. just saying is all. made me cry. but, then again eveything makes me cry. d
love you too. see ya there. i hope mac and glenda come too. deep sea fishing? yeth.
if you don't like that hat, send it back! i'll take it!
and d...ooops! i didn't mean to make that happen! i just put down what He's doing in me. see you in a couple!
rufus is a loser
why don't ya put on your big boy pants and say that to his face. seriously.
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