it's been pretty busy around here lately, but we've found some time to do a pretty good amount of fishing. the disciples did it. and so that makes it okay. right? well...it's okay by the texas game wardens if you have a license. AHEM...phil and steve. i wish tyson and i had taken pictures of the boys in the back of the game warden's squad truck. hilarious. and of course, by hilarious i mean very serious. life and death. the guys did note that there was a monster automatic machine gun in the truck. "oh it's very spiffy!" way to be aware of your surroundings boys. and then we were late for church. the kind of late where when you open the door and all the sunlight from outside suddenly floods the sanctuary and everybody turns around. including all pastors. yeah...umm...we're pretty sneaky. fun stuff. all in all, a pretty interesting sunday afternoon. the pics above are from saturday and sunday night. kudos to the trusty iphone for the shots. the sunset was ridiculous on sat. night. great time to just sit and be in awe. good stuff...except for the fact that a baby duck hit my fly and started screaming like crazy. i was scared to death. it was so loud and people were staring from the other side of the lake...that's how loud the little guy screamed. the only thing i could think to do was reel him in and try to pull out the hook. anybody ever reeled in a baby yellow duck? did i mention his entire family was watching?!?! seriously. there were probably 10 other baby ducks and then the mother duck. she just sat there. i'm sure she was horrified but she composed herself surprisingly well. moms are just engineered like that i guess. anyhow, i pulled him (or her...how do you know with ducks?) to within about three feet and then he/she jerked so hard that the hook flew out of it's mouth. the little guy returned safely to it's family. i went and changed my shorts. God is good.
sunday night a bunch of us went back to the scene of the crime and some kid ended up catching all the fish. what a goob. needless to say, senor and phil and i weren't the happiest of campers. the gals screaming for the ducks to come close probably didn't help much either. but we laughed a lot and that's a great night in my book.
and now to the future. my best pal joshua gets married to the sweetest girl on saturday in tulsa. i think it's in the middle of the state somewhere. becca is truly a gift and i'm so glad the Lord put them together. check out their story here. they just fit and God's gonna get a lot of glory out of those two. josh is the type of person that looks out for everyone else and speaks grace and hope into other people. now, the crazy part is i'm heading up there with the pam, the charla and their flock and i'm rooming with josh and devin during the weekend. it's time to party. i've known dev since youth choir and he makes me laugh harder than most. the guy's just a joy to be around. josh and i drove 13 hours (it was supposed to be 8 or 9...oops) to his wedding last summer...from upper ohio somewhere to southern tennessee...just in time for josh to play and me to stand in my required spot. it was a great wedding and weekend. you gotta love the south. truly, one of my favorite memories in life thus far. dev's the wedding photog for the weekend. check out some of his stuff here. the guy can shoot. i'm getting out the trusty camera and i shall attempt to document the whole weekend. maybe even video. should be neato. maybe dev can teach me some stuff.
we get back super early on sunday morning and then i head back out to colorado for a week. i'll bring a camera this time too and maybe we'll all catch bigger fish.
psalm 34! oh how he loves.
a tip...pronounced "a teeeep" - it's become very fun for me to pretend my text messaging magically transforms into a cb radio. you get to say fun stuff after your message like, "over" and "10-4 good buddy" and "what's your 20?" and many, many more. if you have any good ones, let me know. you may think i'm an idiot and that's fine because God told me this morning that i'm His favorite. well, it was something like that. anyway, it just makes me laugh out loud every time i add "over." to the end of a message. just try it. seriously. stop being a text snob and try something new.
check these out!
nice job td. 10-99!
don't forget to simulate static with the standard "kssshhhhh" noise.
you are crazy. :) love you bro and say hi to Yosh for me!!
p.s. little ducks are not for eating or catching....i will hunt you down!
"what i think George would of said"
hey that was my first fish...i was proud of that fish...the fish loved me....i love fish...
you would. you caught all the fish that night. i was a tad perturbed.
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