Sunday, March 8, 2009

8 days...


this is my favorite place in belize. well, i think it is. okay, besides the school this is my favorite place and perhaps the most important. this is the dock that juts out about a hundred yards into the caribbean sea. it's absolutely beautiful. and i don't mean beautiful like, "that flower is beautiful" or "ray allen's jump shot is beautiful." i mean the good stuff. the really good stuff. the type of beautiful where when you're in the midst of it you really can't even speak.

you just sit. you feel. and you're in awe.

i feel like a girl saying that, but it's true. it's enough to leave me speechless and if you know me, that's not the easiest task in the world.

me telling you that i'm not a morning person is the understatement of the decade. morning and i have been enemies for years. on the weekends i like to pretend he doesn't exist and he repays me (and all of us) with breath that could kill a small ox. (well, it's not that bad, but you get the point).

but every morning, i have to be out there at dawn and sometimes a little before. i love getting up and walking barefoot from the room to the dock because i have to cross the beach and get the feel of the sand on my feet. i crave that time with the Creator. i love sitting on a dock in the middle of the sea and just being with Him.

it's a beautiful (yes, beautiful!) reminder that HE IS BIG. so much bigger than little me. it's like the more and more my heart finds out who God really is, the more and more i love the feeling of being small. He is big and i am not. cool. it's humbling to say the least and the type of humbling i long to receive again and again.

i can't wait to get there and see the morning. He changes me in those moments. He has really been changing ("pruning" as mom would say) me here in lubbock and i'm excited to see what He does down there. and the great thing is after he works on me, i get to leave the dock and head to the school to have an impact on the lives of some amazing kiddos.

and that makes me joyed. worth getting up for i'd say.

HE is beautiful. Psalm 63:2-4.



Anonymous said...

i am proud to call you my brother. i mean that.

bring me back some sand and a sprinkle of sunset. that is all i require.

love you more than chunk and his belly

garrett gregory said...

i do not know how to bring back sand or a sprinkle of sunset. i don't think i could get them through customs.

i will go watch chunk again though.

love you too.

Anonymous said...

sand=in a small bottle
sunset= drawing from a little kid

do i have to do all of the math for you! :)
good luck!
