Saturday, March 7, 2009

9 days...


this is my buddy alex. we met last summer in belize and chatted it up one day before school started. then we played lots of soccer. he's the coolest. i'm not sure if he's still at the school this year, but i hope to see him and catch up. i have no idea if he will remember me or not, but i'm gonna try and find him!

if you want to see some pics of the island and the school itself, click here.

if you are looking at the main pic on their blog, the school is at the bottom. the roofs are red and it looks like three long buildings! that's where we'll be. if you go north and cross over the bridge and keep going north our hotel is the one with the red roof on the west side of the island.

i can't wait to see what God does on this trip. if you don't mind, please pray for alex, the rest of kids and the group going as well! thanks. my prayer is that God does a great and humbling work in me this week that prepares my heart to give everything i have to the kids.

and if you haven't laughed at chunk and the shuffle yet, scroll down and click the link.


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