at this very instant i'm completely stuffed. from a hamburger at fat moe's, to j alexanders, to the traditional starbucks run a minute ago. i'm sitting watching my titans play on monday night with the whole gang. yes. perfect. the fire is going and i feel like i'm in high school again. only i don't have a curfew and no longer get sent to my room for less than pristine behavior. but somehow it's almost 9 and i'm all out of strong! it's fun to be home! i got to see mom, PAW (you're welcome pam...and i don't call him that), elizabeth, mac, glenda, catherine, and sweetie. i'll get to see robin and popie tomorrow. OH, and i saw green grass! really green grass. and TREES. trees of MANY colors. i feel like those last two sentences came out of a children's book or something.
anywhose, we thought it might be fun to keep a running blog updated each day this week so we can give you guys a peek into a little bit of thanksgiving here in nashvegas!
tomorrow morning is an early one. a fishing excursion is in the works. and it's stinkin' cold.
ps...abby and julia...and others who may be plotting...if i hear of a party thrown at my house you are all in big, BIG trouble. seriously. but, if there is a party, please don't feed bear the wrong food.
you will have a lot of clean-up afterwords.
1 comment:
yep.. i read this from work :)
let the photojournaling begin!
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