he's just upset he lost. again. anywhose, the show last night was sweet. every time j plays, i end up asking myself, "How in the world did he just do that?!?!" and yes, i just used multiple, interwoven exclamation points with question marks. it was that good. the truth is that i really don't want to know how he does it. it keeps me in awe. but then, i talked to brian and brian knows all the pedals and exactly how they work and said, "I'm still in awe of what just happened." it was great. all the new songs are so well written and the music makes you want to dance. for instance, he did a quick cover of the jackson 5's "ABC." 'twas spectacular. be sure to check out "how to fall" and just try not to tap your toe. seriously.
as far as what i got done yesterday, here we go. i finished the covers for new southcrest picture thingy. they like to call it the "pictoral directory." the goal was uncluttered, clean, and modern. and i might have snuck in some black and gold for good looks...go dores.
and then i went to soundcheck. we got throw a football in the sanctuary for over an hour! the 8 year old boy inside me was in heaven. don't tell mom and dad we did that. then we had the best chicken dinner ever and went to a show. and then i went and ate a corn dog, fries, and a powerade slush. i feel full.
and TONIGHT, i get to talk to middle school kiddos about how great Jesus is and how He is jealous for them. i'm totally not good enough to have the privilege to do this. but He wants me to do this. i have come to realize that He doesn't need me...He doesn't need me. but He wants me. (acts 17:24-25).
and that is enough to make me re-think everything. again. He wants me. and He wants you.
right where you are. brennan manning says, "i am loved as i am, not as i should be."
we're heading through john 15 tonight. it's revolutionary to know that He knows us and that He's still willing to forgive us and "prune" us towards perfection. over and over. forgiveness. forgiveness. forgiveness. that's love. so, if you're reading this before about 6:35pm today, please shoot out a prayer for me if you don't mind! i just want to share this kind of love in such a way that they really want to know the Jesus i'm talking about! thanks.
ps. dear matthew and phillip, maybe one day you will score a point in pool volleyball.
update...tonight was so neat. thanks for praying. He was good. we had a 6th grader come to Christ in a room full of kiddos! on a wednesday night! wow. He is so good.
Hey the cover looks great, and i wish i was in middle school sometimes just to hear you talk :)
hey austin! i really appreciate you saying that bro. it means a lot to me. you really don't know! i'll be keeping up with your blog! i'm proud of you bro.
that is so awesome to hear garrett. your words are encouraging and you speak truth!!
see you around my friend!!
hey garret. your so cute. i love your updates. the only downfall is your cheating abilities in pool volleyball
dearest fill,
you're cuter. i hate your updates. your only downfall is the way you handle 7-0 skunkings. please don't tear down the net next time you lose. gregory's always win.
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