here's a couple from day one (or two?) of super summer. the kiddos are doing great and really starting to make great friends here. i couldn't get shots of everybody at this time, but i thought while i had time i'd put up some pics for you parental guardians and also to refute the earlier post that i was some sort of blog quitter! i'm pretty competitive i guess. take that.
oh and jesus is so so good. and i don't say that flippantly. He truly is my example and my hope and the more and more i find out about Him the more i want to be just like Him. the simple fact that He knows me better than anyone and still wants me as a best pal leads me to love Him more and more.
i'm just absolutely joyed to be His kid. joyed!
the kind of joy that leaves me in awe...the kind of joy that makes me realize what's most important...the kind of joy that stirs affection and authentic life change. i mean, just look at how He was so patient with the disciples and people in general in matthew 14. his goal was to meet the needs of others...LOTS of matter what (umm..He cooked up some din-din for over 5,000 people right after he found out one of his closest friends was murdered and instead of choosing time alone to grieve he chose to meet the needs of others). unbelievable. take a minute and think about that last sentence. blows me away. simply one of the most loving and unselfish things i've ever heard of. what an example. and i hadn't realized these events occurred together until last week. great stuff. i gotta be more like that!
oh what a friend we have in jesus.
ps...the guy on sportscenter was talking about some baseball player named Francisco the other day and after introducing him quickly stated, "FRANCISCO, THAT'S FUN TO SAY!!!"
made my night.
1 comment:
super pics Francisco!
love em'
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