artwork: david crowder band
hey all! happy friday! our hs dnow is tonight and i'm so joyed. i just left the room and i must say the band sounds great and will bring a ton of energy. the setup is so nifty and i can't wait to see all that God will teach me, our staff and our kiddos.
i felt God in soundcheck. that's a neat thing and builds my anticipation for tonight. and i'm actually leading a group for the first time in a while. leading. usually, i'm behind the scenes doing everything to make the schedule smooth and tying up loose ends, but this week i get to lead. sweet. i get to try and model and teach the gospel to some crazy freshmen. i'm so nervous right now and i wouldn't trade it for the world. i love it. it reminds me of the first time i ever got to preach at mcmurray middle school when i was a sophomore. God revealed more of himself to me that day and i pray he does that for all of us this weekend.
i say all this to simply ask you for your prayers if you get a chance. if you're not much of a prayer person, give it a shot. just try it. and see if He shows up.
i just want to be closer.
i hope the weekend was so wonderful! wish we could have been a part of it.
sid! i wish you guys could have too! next time fo sho. and amy and brians pics look so stinkin good! and that shot of wade in the rain is one of my favorites. ever.
new post needed
yes.... this is like those strange billboards you see in Atl. that say from God. somehow i never saw those words in scripture.
dear atlanta,
fix your horrendous traffic problem.
dear elizabeth,
get to work making the coolest graphic designs evuh instead of complaining to your amazing brother about how he doesn't blog enough. he's doing his best.
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