artwork: david crowder band
hey all! happy friday! our hs dnow is tonight and i'm so joyed. i just left the room and i must say the band sounds great and will bring a ton of energy. the setup is so nifty and i can't wait to see all that God will teach me, our staff and our kiddos.
i felt God in soundcheck. that's a neat thing and builds my anticipation for tonight. and i'm actually leading a group for the first time in a while. leading. usually, i'm behind the scenes doing everything to make the schedule smooth and tying up loose ends, but this week i get to lead. sweet. i get to try and model and teach the gospel to some crazy freshmen. i'm so nervous right now and i wouldn't trade it for the world. i love it. it reminds me of the first time i ever got to preach at mcmurray middle school when i was a sophomore. God revealed more of himself to me that day and i pray he does that for all of us this weekend.
i say all this to simply ask you for your prayers if you get a chance. if you're not much of a prayer person, give it a shot. just try it. and see if He shows up.
i just want to be closer.